Edge Road
Edge Road links
Please suggest any other good information to info@pyrton.org
Online survey - please complete by 20th March!!
Suggested topics following parish meeting 2/3/23 on the design and appearance of the WRR.
(volume and speed) How will OCC mitigate this?
HGV and weight restriction. Noted that the weight limit will be restricted to 7.5 T. How will this be enforced ?
How to make sure Pyrton does not become a rat-run
Construction traffic. On NO account can this be accommodated along Pyrton Lane (Not suitable for HGV’s , damage to historic trees alongside Shirburn) Hard corner at T junction not suitable for large vehicles. Damage to edge of road, lots of potholes. No pedestrian footpath, only walking route to Watlington
Lighting & noise
Noted that the WRR will have lighting. Details to mitigate this. Can we remove lighting or mitigate lighting on roundabouts ? Planting to screen this must be part of the planning application.
Mitigate with screening and planting/banking ?
Screening on the PYR edge of the road? A full and effective planting schedule must from part of the planning application. OCC’s tree policy followed.
Further development
Restrict any further developments in the area. As an "other village" we have already over contributed
Visual appearance of the roundabout entering the WRR from the East. (lighting reduced/landscaping.
Layout of Eastern roundabout. Keep the exiting road as bridleway. How do we cross B4009 safely? What provision is there for equestrians?
Signage. Clearly sign to PYRTON ONLY on the new T junction off the WRR. Ensure that the signage clearly indicates existing route to Henley, Nettlebed etc
Environmental Impact
Full EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) must be undertaken and mitigated. This must include impact on the environment, wildlife and ecology.
Drainage and flooding. How will this be effectively managed with the combined road and developments? Stress the existing flooding on Pyrton Lane and the volume of water that runs downhill to the village.
Dark skies
Revised street light policy (October 2022). Annex A will be of most interest & includes links to other useful information - https://mycouncil.oxfordshire.gov.uk/ieDecisionDetails.aspx?Id=9478 and the Council does support protecting Dark Skies.
Looking at Google Maps street view – the Thame bypass is lit on one side on the housing side in places (and not the open field side), and two sides near junctions & industrial sites, but not at all on the far side (linking Long Crendon Roundabout to the Lord Bill’s roundabout). Where the new houses have been built where a cycle path runs along side there is street lighting on the housing side & at various points on the industrial site side.
Again on Google Maps street view – along the Wallingford bypass (which I believe has a shared path running alongside), there seems to be minimal/no street lighting except at the roundabouts (but the new developments are not shown yet).
As for noise –